Bay One Originals
At Bay One, we believe stories are told effectively through innovative perspectives accompanied by experience and expertise. Our collective identity spans cultures around the world, and queer lifestyles, accompanied by traditional upbringings resulting in unique stories to tell and an earnest language to communicate them.
Venus Fly Trap by Will Stokes
(music video)
Directed by Nick Bradshaw
The Monster - Mark Shock​
(music video)
Directed by Nick Bradshaw
Bubbie Joan
Bubbie Joan, the story of a life lived, is a portrait of Joan Skydel, who has experienced both the inspiring highs and raw, damaging lows, that life challenges us all with conquering. She recalls the details of these experiences and through reflection, provides us with valuable life lessons.
Two men, trapped in an empty room together, attempt to complete their assigned roles. Who wants what from whom? Do not remove your ear protection for any reason.
Dollars and Sense
Freely adapted from a story by Anton Chekhov; a prodigal son returns home and attempts to share his success with an uncomprehending father—a man who measures success and happiness on very different terms. The soup is served, the bread is broken.
Official Selection at both the Big Apple Film Festival and Culver City Film Festivals for the 2020 season. We raised over $10K with the help of our fans and community to bring this project to life.
Directed and Co-Produced by Nick Bradshaw Written and Co-Produced by John Alban Coughlan.
(​Short Film)
Directed by Nick Bradshaw & Kevin Mora